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Leadership Development


1. Read "The Law of Victory" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"

2. Watch "The Law of Victory" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" video

After reading the chapter, answer the following questions:

1. What obstacles did Escalante face at Garfield High School?

2. How did he create the momentum needed for the students to succeed and to grow the AP program?

3. How did the student body, not just those in his class, benefit from his actions?

4. What do you think would have happened if the eighteen students hadn't retaken the test?

5. Is your organization or department currently experiencing positive momentum?

6. What obstacles to momentum are you currently facing?

7. What will it take to overcome them?

Rate your own leadership by placing the number 1, 2, or 3 next to each of the following statements: 1=Never 2=Sometimes 3=Always

1. My organization experiences strong and productive momentum, resulting in measurable growth.

2. I am a self-starter, and I'm self-motivated.

3. I will "rock the boat" when necessary.

4. I continually "push" the organization to the next level.

5. The key leaders around me possess a sense of urgency about our primary objectives.

6. Our momentum is a result of people buying into the vision.

7. I know what causes momentum and how to keep the momentum going.

8. I insist on innovation over transformation and progress over analysis.

9. We face the problems in our organization.

10. I accept responsibility for the bottom-line results.

11. I have leadership confidence.

12. We have a strategic plan to enhance continued momentum.

13. My personal leadership style possesses high drive and a bias for action.

14. I attract other momentum makers.

15. When I'm the primary leader of my organization, I believe I am ultimately responsible to create and sustain momentum.

16. When we are not experiencing good momentum, I focus on reigniting the momentum, not on over-analyzing.

17. I am ready and willing to make tough decisions in order to create momentum. 

18. I will take a stand publicly on tough issues in order to generate productive momentum.

19. I delegate and empower in such a way that it generates a sense of positive and productive teamwork.

20. My personality is an asset to creating and sustaining a positive and cheerful environment.


50-60-This is an area of strength. Continue growing as a leader but also spend time helping others to develop in this area.

40-49-This area may not be hurting you as a leader, but it isn't helping you much either. To strengthen your leadership, develop yourself in this area.

20-39-This is an area of weakness in your leadership. Until you grow in this area, your leadership effectiveness will be negatively impacted.

Answer the following questions and discuss your answers when you meet with your mentoring group.

1. How do leaders benefit from momentum?

2. How do followers benefit from momentum?

3. Do you agree with the author that "with momentum nearly any kind of change is possible?" Explain.

4. Describe the momentum in your organization. 

5. Who are the momentum makers in your organization? What have they done recently to create momentum?

6. What would create additional momentum in your organization?

7. What are you doing to become a momentum maker?

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