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Leadership Development


1. Read "The Law of Legacy" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Explosive Growth"

2. Watch "The Law of Legacy" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" video

After reading the chapter, answer the following questions:

1. What legacy did Goizueta leave Coca-Cola?

2. How did Goizueta prepare Ivester to take his place?

3. Why wasn't Coca-Cola's stock affected when the leader became ill?

4. What organization similar to your own has had a significant leader leave? How did this affect the organization? Why?

Rate your own leadership by placing the number 1, 2, or 3 next to each of the following statements: 1=Never 2=Sometimes 3=Always

1. I am committed to investing my life into other people. 

2. I focus my talents and energy in such a way that they will benefit those who come after me.

3. I invest a portion of my time into those who are younger than I am.

4. My contributions benefit others.

5. I invest my time in bettering the future of others rather than ensuring my own security.

6. My work is more fulfilling than frustrating.

7. I have settled the issue of what area my greatest contribution to the world will be in. 

8. My primary responsibilities are utilizing my greatest gifts.

9. I find great personal joy in identifying people with potential and investing my life into them.

10. I tend to be more of a team player than a solo player.

11. There is clear evidence of both my productiveness and happiness at work.

12. I view life with a "larger-than-me" perspective.

13. I invest my life into others with a vision of helping them do what they do better.

14. The legacy I'm committed to is about the benefit of others, not stockpiling for myself.

15. Other people are attracted to the legacy I want to leave and want to help me make a difference.

16. I am willing to invest myself in returns that I may never personally realize.

17. My dreams and desires about leaving a legacy involve the organization and are not for my personal benefit.

18. It is easy for me to share power and control.

19. I live my life to reflect the principle that says it's more important for people to live better than for my name to be remembered.

20. I can clearly cast the vision for the legacy that I wish to leave the organization.


50-60-This is an area of strength. Continue growing as a leader, but also spend time helping others to develop in this area.

40-49-This area may not be hurting you as a leader, but it isn't helping you much either. To strengthen your leadership, develop yourself in this area.

20-39-This is an area of weakness in your leadership. Until you grow in this area, your leadership effectiveness will be negatively impacted.

Answer the following questions and discuss your answers when you meet with your mentoring group.

1. Why are leaders who practice the Law of Legacy rare?

2. Why does an organization need a team of good leaders to succeed?

3. What are the advantages of promoting people into leadership positions from within your organization instead of recruiting leaders from other organizations?

4. What does your organization's potential legacy look like? Who is involved in building that legacy?

5. What priority have you placed on mentoring others? Explain.

6. How would you go about choosing someone to replace yourself?

7. If you suddenly left your organization, what would the impact be?

8. What is your attitude when asked to teach someone in the organization a skill that you know? Why is this your reaction?

9. What will you do to ensure the legacy and future success of your organization?

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