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Leadership Development


1. Read "The Law of Influence" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"

2. Watch "The Law of Influence" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" video

After you read the chapter, answer the following questions:

1. How did Diana make the transition from being a representative to a person of influence?

2. Why did Diana's influence sustain even after her divorce from Prince Charles?

3. What is the most basic factor you can use to determine if someone is a leader or not?

4. According to the definition "leadership is influence," who are the most prominent leaders in your industry? What influence do they have over industry trends and standards?

5. Within your organization, who is not formally recognized as a leader, but has influence over others?

Rate your own leadership by placing the number 1, 2, or 3 next to each of the following statements: 1=Never 2=Sometimes 3=Always

1. People seem to want to follow me.

2. Within the context of new acquaintances, I emerge as the leader.

3. As an elementary-aged child, I was recognized as a leader.

4. My family recognizes me as a leader.

5. I find it easy to recruit people for volunteer projects.

6. It seems that people have an easy time understanding what I am trying to say.

7. I feel I am understood as a leader.

8. When I call the people of my organization or team to action, they follow my lead at least 80 percent of the time.

9. I have a great relationship with at least 80 percent the people in my organization or on my team.

10. When conflict arises between someone in the organization and myself, I confront that person one-on-one to deal with the situation.

11. Most of the key leaders in the organization agree with my leadership.

12. My team members and key leaders respect me as a leader and follow my lead enthusiastically.

13. It is easy for me to patiently listen when in a conversation, and I avoid interrupting until the other party has finished.

14. I make mistakes, but I do not make the same mistake twice.

15. I find it easy to relate to and connect with new people.

16. Concerning issues that are important to me, other leaders vote in a positive and supportive way.

17. I do not have trouble getting people to follow through with their commitments.

18. People trust me as a person and as a leader - my integrity is unquestioned.

19. I am definitely an encourager of people, so much that people migrate toward me in a crowd.

20. My influence is growing.


50-60-This is an area of strength. Continue growing as a leader but also spend time helping others to develop in this area.

40-49-This area may not be hurting you as a leader, but it isn't helping you much either. To strengthen your leadership, develop yourself in this area.

20-39-This is an area of weakness in your leadership. Until you grow in this area, your leadership effectiveness will be negatively impacted.

Answer the following questions and discuss your answers when you meet with your mentoring group.

1. What is the difference between management and leadership?

2. Do you agree with the author's assessment that leadership is influence? Explain.

3. What obstacles might people come up against if they have bought into one of the leadership myths?

4. Which of the five leadership myths do you find most often in your environment?

5. Why do you think people are tempted to buy into leadership myths?

6. Describe a situation when you were part of a team that was led by a person who was placed in charge because of his knowledge or position and not his leadership abilities. 

7. Would you consider yourself to be a leader? Whom do you influence?

8. What are some positive ways you could expand your influence in your organization?

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